Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

AAL* #3

Lagu Alone At Last* yang ini pasnya di dengarkan pas suasana hati lagi mellow, hehe. Ini salah satu lagunya AAL* yang paling saya suka :) 

by Alone At Last*

Change.. Tragedy infects your life
And there is no room to seek
No more me to speak
No time .. When I wipe your pain and tears 
Your laughter that I miss
But you lost me in your head

Goodbye my love
Goodbye my soulmate
I have no chance
To give these roses

And you’re not sad
I’d blame to hate
On my last breathe
I scream your name all over .. again

My first plane to see you again
Right on this special night
I bring a rose in my bag
I seek..  a good words to apologize
But the road seems too blurred to see
And my car flips from the street

In your dream
There are so many place to remind you off
Remind you of me
You dig my grave, To keep me save
I can not go back, I can nott go back!

With blood,
Dedott :')

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